Complaint manager


If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive, we may reconsider your case. Please write to SPK:

Complaints manager

Managing Director


Box 54

101 21 Stockholm


Describe what you think has gone wrong and who you spoke to in the first place. You can then expect a response within 14 days of our receipt of your complaint.

If you still do not feel able to accept the SPK’s decision, you can appeal to:

Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden

Box 174


ARN hears disputes between private individuals and companies free of charge.

Read more on the National Board for Consumer Complaint’s website>>.

The Swedish Consumers’ Banking and Finance Bureau is an independent advisory service that provides free advice on specific banking and securities matters. Write to:

Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå

Box 24215

104 51 Stockholm

or telephone +46 (0) 8 22 58 00

Read more on The Swedish Consumers’ Insurance Bureau’s website>>.

Consumer advisors in your municipality also provide advice on household financial and legal issues.

You can also have your case heard by a general court. Read more on the Swedish Courts’ website>>.